Friday, November 22, 2013

More Halloween Fun

Some more Halloween fun . . . this time a Halloween party at our church!  Ryan had lots of fun.  We also decorated our trunk for the trunk or treating part of the fun.  Ryan was most excited about the battery operated pumpkin lights that we got to decorate our trunk with.  No picture of those though :(

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fall Festival and the Great Pumpkin Race

A city near us had a Fall Festival that was a lot of fun.  They had a kids area that Ryan loved.  He got his picture taken with Spiderman!

Played a fishing game -- he won a parachute man and was so excited!

Played goblin bowling

Got a sword from the balloon man

Got to sit in the drivers seat of a really old mail train car

And we entered our pumpkin in the great pumpkin race!  It was lots of fun!

Ryan won 2nd place!  This is a picture of him and the 1st place winner.  The prize for 1st place was this bike and the prize for 2nd place was movie tickets -- so they switched and everybody was happy!  
The first place pumpkin!

The rest of the pumpkin racers -- pictures taken by Ryan

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Stu Bear

This year at school, Ryan's class has a stuffed friend named Stu Bear who gets to go home with all the kids.  At the end of Stu Bear's visit, each family writes a story and adds it to Stu Bear's book.  We were lucky enough to have Stu Bear visit us during Fall Break, so he got to do a lot of fun things!  Here are a picture of a couple of things Stu Bear did!

Snuggled with Ryan each night!

Went for a ride while Ryan was practicing riding his bike with only 2 wheels.

Stu Bear visited the library 4 times during his stay with us.  This was the day that Llama Llama came to visit.  Ryan was excited to meet him.  We have read all of his books (and own several of them), so it was fun to meet him "in person".

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fall Break with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt C

During Fall Break Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt C came to visit.  Ryan was very excited to see them and we had a lot of fun things to do!

Daddy, Ryan, Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt C went trick or treating at the farm while Mommy went to the dermatologist.  Ryan is Super Why.

Besides getting candy there were lots of other fun things to do at the farm like milking Buttermilk!

And listening to a story!

Checking out the goats with his friend the Golden Ninjago Ninja

Jack liked Grandpa!

Trick or Treat!

Of course there was a wagon ride!

We also celebrated Ryan and Aunt C's birthday's!

Ryan got a Rescue Bot -- Chase
And Hungry Hungry Hipps!
He was thrilled!

One of the treats Aunt C had up her sleeve were chocolate mustaches . . . 

Bedtime stories with Grandma!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Turing 5

Ryan shares his birthday with one of his good friends from school.  So, this year, much to his dismay, we celebrated his birthday in parts.  The night before his actual birthday we had his cupcakes.  We figured this was best since we were going to his friends birthday the next day and wanted to spread out the sugar.  Anyway,  his cupcakes have jack-o-latern oreo cookies stuck in the top -- his request.

The next morning (his actually birthday) he opened his presents.
Scoop Ball -- He played this at the rec center this summer and loved it, so we got it to add to our collection of outside games.

Lego's -- can never have too many of these.  Ryan is always excited to open the pack to see which "different" pieces are inside.

Map of the USA puzzle -- Ryan has been interested in states lately and I thought that this would be a hit.  I was wrong,  He stated that he liked all of his presents except for this one!

Mack from the Disney Cars movie.  He has been waiting to get this for a long time!

Let's Go Fishing!  We play this at the library when they have their game days and he has been asking for his own.

Then a week after his birthday we had his party with his friends.  It was suppose to be at the park/our neighborhood community center, but it rained so we had it at our house.  It was fun, but loud!
We decorated pumpkins!

His cake -- Doc McStuffins was the theme.  I put on the icing and Ryan decorated with the figurines and sprinkles.  

We also played some games and did some science experiments.  It was fun, but way more work than it would had been if we had been able to go to the park!