Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Glow Stick Bath

Sometimes bath time presents a challenge for a little boy who doesn't want to stop playing.  So, enter glow sticks and bath in the dark and presto, all bath time complaining disappears.  The pictures aren't great, but Ryan had a blast and it did look really cool.  We only used 7 glow sticks.  Next time we will have to add more, I'm sure that will be even neater to look at.

Monday, April 15, 2013

How cool is this . . .

We play outside A LOT!  However, sometimes it is just too hot/cold/rainy and we have desperately been looking for an inside place to play.  The inflatable places are great, but kind of costly.  The mall play areas are OK, but Ryan is starting to get a little big for them.  So we have continued to search.  Then, thanks to one of Rya's good friends from school, we discovered this place!  It is inside a local church.  It has a play structure, places for pretend play, a lego table, a rock climbing wall, and one of those interactive motion game things that project on the floor!  Amazingly enough, it is FREE and you can bring a lunch and eat it at the picnic tables.  They also have a little cafe to purchase (inexpensive) food at if you want.  What a neat idea.  Ryan had a blast.  He played for 4 hours!  When we first arrived there were a lot of kids, but this is what it looked liked for the last 2 hours. . . empty.  What a neat idea!

The only picture I got of Ryan actually playing . . . 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Family Fun

Over the weekend we went to the local environmental center for their family fun day.  We did a lot of activities relating to Spring and then got to play with their BIG building things.  

Ryan and two other little boys constructed this house

So proud!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ice Skating

We see ice skaters at the mall ALL the time and Ryan loves to watch them.  As a result, he has been asking to try ice skating for a long time.  So, we finally did.  He was very excited.  It was perfect because we were the only ones at the rink for most of our visit.  Skating was definitely a challenge for him and having grown up in the northeast where you learn on double bladed skates (which don't exist down here in the south), I was a little unsure of exactly how to best help him.  He is also a little balanced challenged which didn't help.  BUT, we did made it around the rink -- once.  It took us 25 minutes!  He was so proud when he finally made it.  He didn't want to go around again, but declared it "the best day ever". 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tent City

Ryan has developed a love for making tents. 



Tents are fun, but it becomes a little tedious when he doesn't want to clean them up at the end of the day so we can actually sit on our couches!  Since taking this picture we had to make the tent larger so that it would fit Daddy too.  So, tent city now routinely covers our entire living room!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

When I grow up . . .

At dinner the other evening I asked Ryan what he wanted to be when he grew up.  What job he wanted to do.  He thinks for a second and then says: "I want to be a light bulb changer."

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

FC Dallas Egg Hunt

We went to the egg hunt at the FC Dallas fields and it was awesome.  They had 82,000 eggs for the kids to hunt!  There were a lot of people, but there were plenty of eggs.
 Waiting to start

Hunting eggs.  Ryan was VERY particular about which eggs he picked up!  

The best part . . . riding the school bus that shuttled everybody from the parking lot to the fields.