Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hermit Crabs

Last year, one of Ryan's favorite things about being at my mom's was going to the beach and finding hermit crabs.  So, he was super excited when we went back to the same beach this year and the hermit crabs were there again!  He was even more excited that he was able to show them to Daddy this year.

Ryan was much braver this year -- he would actually reach into the water and pick them up.  Last year he was afraid that they would pinch him.

It is amazing -- these hermit crabs are all over the ocean floor during low tide.

We also found a mussel.  Do you see it?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Best Part of PA

The morning after the family reunion we were invited for a yummy breakfast at my uncle's house.  It is a great treat before we start on the long drive to my Mom's!  This year Ryan really liked exploring the creek in my uncle and aunt's backyard.

 However, to this day, Ryan still declares that the best part of his trip to Pennsylvania was not Sesame Place, not the crayon factory, not the train ride, not the farm (that was last year's favorite), but this. . . 

Riding the lawn mower with Uncle Z!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Quiet Valley

After our several days of fun in the Philadelphia area, we headed north to a family reunion in the Poconos.  Once a year, all of my relatives on my dad's side get together.  It is a lot of fun to see everybody, and we usually spend the day visiting, eating good food and hanging out at the farm.  The highlights this year were the bunnies and the lake.

Holding a baby bunny.  It was very squirmy!

Checking out Mama Bunny

Swimming in the lake.

Ryan caught a fish!  Good thing my cousin Drew was there to help him because he wanted NOTHING to do with touching it!  He was so proud of catching it though!  

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Crayola Factory

On our third day in PA, we stopped at the Crayola crayon place.  It was really cool.

No mistaking which building it is in!

There were lots of crayon related activities to do.
Melting a crayon to make a new crayon in the shape of the crayon man!

Melting crayons to make drip art.  The paper inside the machine is spinning really fast, so when the hot wax from the melted crayon lands on it, it splatters all over making a cool looking piece of art.

Wax painting a butterfly.

Red Crayon Man!

Watching the green sea turtle (see it on top of the ship).  Ryan colored that turtle on a computer screen and then it showed up on the wall swimming in the ocean!  

Making the crayons dance by moving his body!

Drawing on the backlight boards.

His finished picture.

His favorite part of the museum was the water works exhibit.  It was a working replica of a canal and locks system that you drove a crayon boat down.  I didn't get a picture of him playing in it, but he loved it!  He also liked making his own paper for a yellow crayon.  His crayon wrapper had a guitar on it and he named it "James".  We also got to watch markers being made, crayons being made and got some model magic to bring home.  Pretty neat place!

Friday, August 2, 2013

New Hope and Ivy Railroad

After Bowman's Tower we went to New Hope to ride the train.  Ryan was thrilled!  There was a lady on board who read a couple books and then played her ukulele for the kids (there were only 2 other kids on the story part of the train).  The story music lady wasn't very impressive, but Ryan liked the train ride and we got to sit in a nice air conditioned train car for the 45 min. ride!  Ryan's favorite part was the lemonade and train crackers that he got for a snack! 

Diesel #7087  
Another favorite part of the ride was when we got to watch them unhook the train and bring it around to the other side of the train when it was time to reverse direction and head back to the station.