Sunday, October 27, 2013

Playing in the rain

Even after more than 10 years in Texas, one of the things that always amazes me is how hard it can rain here.  Most of the time, we get rain only when it is cold out or as part of a thunderstorm, but every so often it works out that we can go out and play in the rain.  So, here we are enjoying the rain!  Daddy stayed dry in the garage and took pictures as Ryan and I puddle jumped and played frisbee.  

It was really raining hard!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Catch Up -- September

First Day of Pre-K 4!  
Ryan was so excited to be going back to school.  He stays at school until 2pm a couple of days a week this year and really likes eating his lunch at school!  There are 16 kids in his class -- 12 boys and 4 girls!

This summer while we were at Sesame Place Ryan enjoyed seeing all the characters, but would not get close to any of them.  However, as soon as he saw Elmo here he couldn't wait to get a picture -- too funny!

Going down the slide at the Plano Balloon Festival.

Watching the balloon glow!  There was an angry bird balloon and an astronaut balloon that were favorites.

Not his Halloween costume.
Ryan saw an Iron Man costume at the Disney store and decided that he really wanted it. However, the costume cost $60, so I told him he would have to save his own money.  He agreed.  Then Halloween costumes came out and he saw an Iron Man costume at one of the big box stores for $17 and he thought that was a much better idea, so he was saving for that.  Then one day I happen to get a coupon for 50% a Halloween costume.  With the 1/2 off coupon he had enough money to buy the costume.  We went to the store and bought the costume and he has loved wearing it.  However, he is sure to tell everybody that it is NOT his Halloween costume.  He says he has it "because you can never have too many costumes".
Iron Man 3!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Catch up -- Summer

This post and the next one are an attempt to catch up on the last couple of months.  

Ryan and his buddies -- taken at his friend's 4th birthday party.  Crazy boys!

This birthday party was a glow-in-the-dark jump party and so we made a special t-shirt.  Here Ryan is showing it off.  I drew it and he painted it with florescent fabric paint.  He was very proud of it and thought it looked really cool under the black lights.

Part of the prize pack Ryan received for finishing the summer reading program at the Frisco Library was a ticket for a special bike day at Frisco Fire Safety Town.  Ryan was really excited about this and did a great job following the rules of the road while riding his bike.

Going through the ATM.

Driving through Babe's for some yummy chicken.

Of course we had to check out the fire truck before we left!

We took a picnic lunch to the Plano Environmental Center one Sunday and Ryan had a blast "climbing" the trees!

Waiting for the last jeep safety class of the summer to begin at Frisco Fire Safety Town.

Last jeep ride of the summer!

Ryan was finally brave enough to ride the carousel horse that goes up and down.  His name was Zorro.

Pirate Ryan and Pirate Daddy!