Saturday, April 26, 2014


We had the most amazing full rainbow right outside our house a couple of weeks ago.  The colors were so bold and if I knew how to better work my camera I could have taken a picture of the whole thing, but instead you will just have to imagine the other 3/4 of it!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Boston Children's Museum

Ryan and I went to Vermont in February for my cousin's wedding.  We flew into Boston and met my mom and sister and drove with them the rest of the way to Vermont.  Before heading to Vermont we went to the Boston Children's Museum and had a great time.

They had some turtles on exhibit and you were able to crawl under the tank to watch them.  Ryan loved this and he took this (and many other) pictures of the turtles.

Ryan's creation out of some BIG tinker toys.

Driving the school bus with a very special passenger. . .

Using the jack hammer.

The all time favorite this trip -- Peep and the Big Wide World Exhibit.  Peep and the Big Wide World is a show on PBS that Ryan thinks is hilarious.  

Ryan and Quack

Ryan and Peep

Ryan and Chirp

Although it rained a lot during over visit, there were still HUGE mounds of snow all around.  Ryan had a blast climbing to the top of them!  

Friday, April 4, 2014


Ryan LOVES the zoo and he often asks to go.  We love the zoo in Jan. and Feb. because they have $5 admission and we REALLY LOVED the zoo when we went in Jan. this year because all of the animals were out.  We have never been to the zoo on a day were we got to see everybody.  It was a lot of fun!

How tall are you?  Ryan is as tall as an Emperor Penguin!

Watching the Mandrill eat

Reading his map while riding an elephant! 
The statues are just as fun as the real animals!

The cheetah

Feeding the giraffe


Nice, kitty, kitty . . .

What ya looking at . . .
The gorillas were all out and running around.  They were so fun to watch!

Got 'em

Better watch out for this guy . . . he sure is posing nicely for a picture though!

We got to see lots of pretty birds up close . . . 
A Violaceous Plantain-eater, or so the sign said.

Ryan's gorilla

On a chimp's back

The meerkat's were also out and about

This guy was ferociously digging a hole

Look what the spider web caught

Not a great pictures, but even the tiger was out and about where we could see him!

Ryan took this picture of his favorite animal of the day -- the kangaroo

Heard Musuem

Here are some pictures we took at the Heard Museum in December.  They had the Dinosaur Live! exhibit there and Ryan really enjoyed it.

He also loved their village of wooden play houses!