Thursday, June 19, 2014

Last Day of School

Ryan's 1st day of school on the left and Ryan's last day of school on the right!  He did grow a little since September!

Here is video of the 6 songs Ryan and his classmates sang at the program held on the last day of school.  I apologize because the video is really bad.   You might have to turn the volume up!

"The Bubble Song" and "God Made Me" from Ryan Focus on Vimeo.

"Jesus Loves Me" from Ryan Focus on Vimeo.

"Skinnamarink" from Ryan Focus on Vimeo.

Friends Are Like Flowers from Ryan Focus on Vimeo.

"I'm A Star" from Ryan Focus on Vimeo.

Here is a picture of Ryan getting his certificate from his teachers.  Ms. Colleen is on the left and Ms. Diana is on the right.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Here are some pics from the annual bike-a-thon at Ryan's school!

Ready to go!

Riding, riding, riding

Popsicles for all at the end!

Sunday, June 15, 2014


We did lots of fun things in May.

We went to the butterfly festival.
This is the 4th year we have gone and Ryan still enjoys catching and observing the butterflies!

The weather started to warm up so we get out the swimming pool!

Ryan looks something like this most days . . . 

We've also been hanging out with this little guy!

Saturday, June 14, 2014


We did some fun things in April -- check them out!

Ryan, 2 of his friends and the Dads' took the kids to the Frontier of Flight Museum in Dallas.  The kids (and Dads) had a blast seeing all the different aircraft.

We tie-dyed our own t-shirts!  I should have taken a picture of the finished products.

We went to the Heard Museum to see if the turtles were there.  We only saw one turtle -- and a bunch of algae! 

The Heard also had a place were you could use building blocks to create dinosaurs/other animals.  Ryan really liked doing this.  This was his favorite creation of the day.

Ryan builds with Lego's -- a lot!  This is a creation he made (a zip line for his mini figures) this month.  He was very proud of it and took this picture so he could remember it when he decided he wanted to take it a part and use his pieces to make something else.

Angel likes the Legos too!

Friday, June 13, 2014


Besides going on a bazillion egg hunts Ryan also colored a BUNCH of eggs!

Here was his Easter basket from the Easter bunny!

Ryan did a good job hunting his eggs and was really surprised/excited to see that each egg had a $1 bill inside!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Egg Hunt

Around here Easter ends up being a little like Halloween -- there is lots and lots of candy because Ryan gets to go to many Easter egg hunts.  This was the first 2014 egg hunt that we went too.  It is put on by the town at the local soccer fields.  It is a massive egg hunt.  Although, it isn't really the kind of egg hunt that I remember -- one where you have to actually "hunt" for the eggs, Ryan does seem to have a lot of fun.  There are 80,000+ eggs total and they divide them out onto fields by age group.  The whole thing is over in, oh, maybe 3 minutes tops and Ryan ends up with around 3 dozen eggs.  On this particular day, we were watching one of Ryan's friends from school.  He got even more eggs than Ryan-- he had around 5 dozen!  Anyway, here they are waiting for the egg hunt to begin. 

Look at all the eggs!

"Hunting" away!

Out of all the egg hunts, this is the only one that I remembered to 1)bring the camera and 2) take pictures.  We also went to an egg hunt in our neighborhood, at the farm, at a park with a group of friends from church, at Ryan's school, and of course the Easter bunny left eggs that you actually had to hunt for!