Saturday, December 29, 2012

Goop, trains, and magic

We started the day off making MORE goop.  Today we started with green.

And then changed it to blue.

All the while Ryan insisted on using a spoon -- he said he didn't want his hands to turn green again.

In the end he couldn't resist.  Green hands!

Then he and Daddy built this cool train track.  The track fell apart a couple of times during the course of the day and each time Ryan patiently fixed it by himself.  He never did connect it on the other side.  Not sure why. . .

This afternoon we went to the library for a show called "The Magic Toymaker's Christmas Show".  It was presented by a magician named Brett Roberts and was really neat.  He had magic tricks and puppetry that was set to music and he used lots of lights.  It was pretty neat.  Ryan loved the puppet who couldn't sing "Jingle Bells" the right way.  I am not sure that he understood a lot of the magic tricks -- he didn't seem to understand that it was unusual to pull a light out from behind somebody's ear.  He definitely liked the puppet though.