Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Boman's Tower

On our way to our second day's adventure, a ride on a train, we came upon this tower sticking out above the trees.  It looked interesting, se we decided to investigate.  This is what we found . . . 

The story goes that this "Tower was constructed atop Bowman's Hill to commemorate what may have been a lookout point for General Washington's troops to watch the banks of the Delaware River for any enemy activity.  (This is more oral tradition than documented fact.)"  Bowman's Tower is part of the Washing Crossing Historic Park in Washington Crossing, PA.  The "mission of Washington Crossing Historic Park is to preserve and interpret the site at which General Washington planned and executed his daring crossing of the Delaware River on December 25, 1776, which lead to victory in the Battle of Trenton and turned the tide of the Revolutionary War. . ." quotes from Tower pamphlet.

There is an elevator that takes you almost to the top and then there are about 20 stirs to climb to get to the outside viewing area.  It is about 125 ft tall, but stands on a hill, so you can really see the surrounding area.

The view was impressive.  You can see the Delaware River and parts of PA and NJ.  Ryan wasn't that impressed though!  I took a picture of him, took one picture of the view before I realized that he was already heading back down the steps without me!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Random June Pics

Here is Ryan doing one of his favorite summer activities -- "driving" this battery operated Jeep at the Frisco Fire Safety Town Summer Fun Friday Nights!  He loves driving the jeep around the little town they have, but really needs to work on his diving skills.  I have to run along side and steer for him.  In our lovely Texas summer that is quite a work out at 5:30 at night!  He gets SO excited though and wait all year for this activity!

Daddy's birthday!  Ryan was so excited that we got a CHOCOLATE ice cream cake for him!

One our way to Philadelphia we had a 4 hour lay over in Boston.  Fortunately Logan had this fun play area that kept Ryan occupied for some of that time!

Sesame Place

Our first stop on our summer trip was Sesame Place.  Ryan LOVED it!  It was a very nice park.  There were a lot of people there, but it was spread out enough that it wasn't overwhelming.  They had both wet and dry rides and Ryan tried both, but preferred the dry rides.  We spent one day here and that was the perfect amount of time.  We arrived in the morning, stayed for a couple hours, had lunch and then went back to our hotel for a rest.  We returned to the park in the afternoon, had dinner and stayed for the parade.  Unfortunately, just as the parade was about to start it started to thunder, lightening and pour, so the parade was cancelled and we made a mad dash back to our car before the worst of the weather hit.

Out of all the rides, this was Ryan's favorite.  They were train cars that you used a lever to make move, kind of like a rowing machine.  He happily moved himself along the whole track -- it was A LOT of work!  His favorite part was going through the tunnel.

The lazy river -- his favorite water ride!

Big Bird's Hot Air Balloon Race

Waiting to see Elmo Live!

Elmo and Ryan's favorite -- Mr Noodle!  The only time it rained during the day was when we were in this show -- it was perfect timing!  We also saw Cookie Monster, Super Grover and Zoe.  Ryan liked seeing the characters from FAR away, but didn't want to have anything to do with getting close to them.  We would have taken a picture of them -- if we had remember our camera!

Peek-A-Bug -- Ryan loved this ride.

The first ride he rode, Elmo's Flying Fish! 

That's all we have for pictures.  I forgot the camera when we went in the morning.  Thought I would remember it when we went back in the after our rest, but I didn't.  So, I had to buy a disposable camera.  Taking pictures the "old fashion" way reminds of how nice it is to use a digital -- you get to see your picture right away and you aren't limited to 27 exposures!

We had a lot of fun!  What a great park for a preschooler!