Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Boman's Tower

On our way to our second day's adventure, a ride on a train, we came upon this tower sticking out above the trees.  It looked interesting, se we decided to investigate.  This is what we found . . . 

The story goes that this "Tower was constructed atop Bowman's Hill to commemorate what may have been a lookout point for General Washington's troops to watch the banks of the Delaware River for any enemy activity.  (This is more oral tradition than documented fact.)"  Bowman's Tower is part of the Washing Crossing Historic Park in Washington Crossing, PA.  The "mission of Washington Crossing Historic Park is to preserve and interpret the site at which General Washington planned and executed his daring crossing of the Delaware River on December 25, 1776, which lead to victory in the Battle of Trenton and turned the tide of the Revolutionary War. . ." quotes from Tower pamphlet.

There is an elevator that takes you almost to the top and then there are about 20 stirs to climb to get to the outside viewing area.  It is about 125 ft tall, but stands on a hill, so you can really see the surrounding area.

The view was impressive.  You can see the Delaware River and parts of PA and NJ.  Ryan wasn't that impressed though!  I took a picture of him, took one picture of the view before I realized that he was already heading back down the steps without me!