Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ice Storm

At the beginning of December we had a gigantic ice storm!  It may look like snow, but it was ALL     ice . . . lots and lots of ice.

It was still fun to play in!  
It is really hard to see in the picture, but all the little pieces of grass you can see sticking up are coated with ice.  Ryan got the biggest kick out of this.  He said that they were "icicles that were growing out of the ground!"

Even Daddy tried out our "sled"!

See how thick the ice was!

The ice lasted for several days, which meant we spent a lot more time inside than usual inside.  In an effort to keep himself entertained, Ryan built this train track!  Pretty cool!

These are some of the pieces of ice that we chipped off of our driveway.  We decided to bring out some paint and paint them.

The "Junk Yard"
Ryan had fun collecting, moving and building with the chunks of ice we cleared from our driveway.  He started referring to our front yard as his junk yard because he had collected so many large ice blocks!