Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Butterfly Festival

Each year the Kiwanis Club hosts a Butterfly Festival at our local mall and Ryan loves to go and see the butterflies.  You get a Q-tip with some juice on the end of it that the butterflies really like.  This allows you to pick them right up and you can put them on your shirt/arm/nose -- whatever!  It is neat because you can actually see the butterfly unroll it's proboscis to drink some of the juice.

This is the third year that we have done this and this year we got to do something really neat -- we got to release some of the butterflies.  The butterflies are raised by a person in FL and then brought here in wax baggies in a cooler.  The butterflies are just folded in half in these wax baggies and when the guy gets here he just opens up all the envelopes and the butterflies fly out.  To release the butterflies you just opened the package and the butterfly would fly out.  If you look closely, you can see the wings of the butterfly that just flew out of Ryan's package by his left elbow.