Thursday, May 16, 2013

Kemah/Space Center/Grandma and Grandpa's

We recently took a trip to Houston.  We got to see Kemah, a boardwalk, the Space Center and Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Camille.

The only thing Ryan wanted to do at Kemah was to ride the little train that went around the boardwalk.  It was nice because the weather was a bit chilly, so there weren't many people around.  We were practically the only ones on the train.

The next day we went to the space center.
Space Center

A couple of the favorite activities . . .

Ryan loved getting the beach ball to "float" in the stream of air!

He giggled about THIS for a long time. . .
It was a scale that weighed you and showed you how much you would weigh on Jupiter.  It said that Ryan, who weighs 38lbs on Earth, would weigh 88.5lbs on Jupiter.   The part that he thought was hilarious the funny mirror that made you look wide.

Touching a Moon rock!

Future Astronaut

Although Ryan thought that the above activities were all fun, the thing that he was most excited about was going to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  He was actually mad at us and shed many a tears on Friday as we driving because we were staying in a hotel that night and wouldn't be at Grandma and Grandpa's until the next day.  When we FINALLY got to their house Ryan had a blast with Grandma, Grandpa and his Aunt Camille.  He says that his two favorite parts were digging potatoes out of Grandpa's garden and playing with his 10-year-old cousin Lacey and her friend Rena.  Lacey and Rena were great with Ryan and he loved playing with them.  He liked jumping on the trampoline (especially in the sprinkler), playing ball, and blowing bubbles.  Too bad I didn't take any pictures . . .