Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gingerbread House

For weeks all I have been hearing about are gingerbread houses and pumpkin pie.  My mom made a pumpkin pie for Christmas and fortunately, I haven't heard much about pumpkin pie since!  

In the weeks since Christmas he has still talked non-stop about making a gingerbread house.  I had bought one a few weeks ago at Trader Joe's, but I had been saving it for . . . I wasn't sure what and finally last week I knew.  When I announced that we would be taking the tree down tomorrow my statement was met with lots of tears.  Ryan definitely did not want that to happen, so the next day I pulled out the gingerbread house out as a consolation prize.  He was thrilled!

Here is the box.  Ryan had a hard lesson in advertising when he realized that everything pictured on the box was not inside.  His disappointment didn't last long!

We used pre-mixed frosting left over from decorating cookies, rather than the stuff you had to make that came with the kit.  Best idea ever.

Decorating the roof
